





mardi 28 avril 2015

Red notebook in London

And by the way....

I'll be there in London. APRIL 29th and 30 april.


vendredi 10 avril 2015

The Daily Mail

Click on the picture to enlarge it.

Merci Wendy Holden.

lundi 6 avril 2015

Russie... Chapeau

Remerciements aux lecteur et lectrices Russes:

" Благодарю моих читателей книги "Шапка Митерана" , а также мою издательницу
и книжные магазины, которые еë поддерживают.Желаю вам как можно больше удоврльствия с этим французским романом."

vendredi 3 avril 2015

Blog again...The red Notebook "Must read" on the Huffingtonpost

clik the link to the page:

Thanks to Lois Alter Mark


Red Notebook and readers...

I'm not used to put on my blog the comments written by my readers, but this time i was really very touched by the one written by "Tracy" on the Amazon and on her own blog. So... Thank you Tracy ( i don't know you ) and thanks to all the readers who like The red Notebook.

(clik on the picture to enlarge it)

